
Marriage Intensives

“Love is a vessel that contains both security and adventure, and commitment offers one of the great luxuries of life: time. Marriage is not the end of romance, it is the beginning.” –Esther Perel

Marriage Intensives


In your partnership, are you…
AND you want to give your relationship the chance it deserves to succeed as quickly as possible?

A couples intensive may be right for you!
A Couples Intensive is the opportunity to…
You and your partner can fall in love again. You can find intimacy, connection, and fulfillment — together. When we sit down together, we will move through three phases of work.

In phase one we uncover the patterns that keep you and your partner disconnected form yourselves and one another. This reconnection to yourself and to your partner, frees you from identifying yourselves and the other as the problems, and allows us to focus on the problematic patterns with clarity.

In phase two, we use the latest advances in neuroscience to better understand how our brains don’t always support us being cherishing and present, and learn ways of staying integrated within ourselves, and therefore protected and connected with our partner.

In phase three, we work on reinforcing the ability to stay integrated and present, and then learn the essential skills for how you think about your difficulties, how you manage your feelings, where you focus your attention, and you act and communicate under stress. All of the aspects determine the qualities of your relationship with yourself and the people in your life.

Whether you choose a 1-day or 2-day intensive, the immersion creates momentum you can use when you return home.
An example intensive looks like:

**A full 90-minute lunch break assures that you will have time to rest and recharge between sessions.


No matter where you live, we can arrange an intensive that fits your busy schedule and gets you the answers you are looking for. In person sessions happen in my Rancho Mirage, CA offices. Zoom is also very effective from anywhere.


Who is this for? Any couple interested in improving their relationship and learning how to live a more relationally skilled life. Honesty and an open heart are all that’s required


"We've been together for 20 years and felt disconnected for so long it didn't seem like there was any way to get back to feeling love. Couples therapy allowed us to cut through the garbage and learn new ways of communicating and being present for one another. What was amazing was that once we started practicing the new skills, a whole lot changed quickly. For the first time in a long time our relationship felt hopeful."