
Individual therapy,
Couples Therapy,
Relationship Intensives

Effective therapy for individuals and couples to become your best self and live your best relationships

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CONGRATULATIONS! If you are here on my website and reading this you are already in a select group of people who are actually starting something. Seriously, your being here is huge! Our brains are hardwired to resist change. Don’t believe me? Try moving your toothpaste to a different location, or folding your arms differently from their unconscious norm! Change is unfamiliar and the brain reacts with messages of discomfort. Yet despite this discomfort and the inertia of your habituated life, you chose to no longer ignore the sense that you need a different present, that you want a different future.

Welcome! I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) with over 25 years of experience helping individuals and couples successfully transform their lives and relationships. 

I’ve applied my lifelong study of best principles and practices of personal development into high-impact therapy, producing fulfilling and meaningful results. 

Many people do not know that individual therapy and couples therapy require different training expertise. Both require empathy, strong communication skills, and knowledge of how people grow and heal. In addition, couples work is more complex and dynamic. My professional mastery embodies two parallel paths, one supporting individuals and one coaching couples. Regarding individuals, I draw upon extensive training in Internal Family Systems (IFS), CBT, Transactional Analysis, Wonder, the Lefkoe Method, Mindfulness, and teachings from ancient spiritual traditions. Regarding couples, I’ve studied intensively with recognized couples experts, Terry Real of Real Life Therapy and Dr.’s Bader and Pearson of the Developmental Model of Couples Therapy. 

The common thread among these approaches is to produce deep change quickly, empower you as an individual, and reconnect you relationally with both yourself and the people in your life.

So, CONGRATULATIONS! Despite feeling overwhelmed, distressed, or maybe just dissatisfied, you summoned the energy to challenge the comfortable uncomfortable of your life and look for someone to help you!

Are you an intelligent, good person, yet you still don’t feel a sense of purpose or enjoyment from your life?

Are you plagued by low esteem, guilt and shame despite what you achieve?

Are you tired of making changes only to feel like they don’t “stick” and there are rising feelings of exhaustion, depression and anxiety?

Or, maybe you’ve got your life together, but your primary relationship feels stuck, passionless, unnecessarily negative and conflictual.

No matter your circumstances, WELCOME! Please look around the website, at the services offered and at the content on the blog, and if you feel like I may be a good match for the next step in creating a better present and future, contact me and I will schedule a free 15 minute consultation call where we can check in to see what I can offer that will support you in creating your best, meaningful life.

Marriage Intensives

Individual Therapy

You are the person you have been waiting for! 


Individual therapy is for you if: 

  • You desire to access and cultivate your true self 
  • You want to unlearn conditioning from family of origin, culture and other people’s opinions 
  • You wish to heal trauma and attachment wounding 
  • You crave to increase your capacity for resilience, heal extreme feeling states of depression and anxiety 
  • You want to discover your wisdom and change your world


Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy

Welcome to a brand new way of being in a relationship.


Couples therapy is for you if: 

  • Your partnership feels unskilled in resolving differences and conflicts 
  • There is little or no intimacy in your relationship
  • The romance and sex are missing 
  • Your partnership is facing an infidelity or betrayal of trust 
  • You have a good relationship that you wish to make more vital


Marriage Intensives

Marriage Intensives

Marriage in crisis? A marriage intensive can bring you  back together! 


A marriage intensive is for you if: 

  • You have been arguing for years or you can’t talk to one another anymore 
  • You haven’t had sex in a long time 
  • You have discovered a recent betrayal 
  • You failed at counseling before or don’t have time to devote months in therapy 
  • You have a good relationship that you wish to make more vital


Marriage Intensives

Individual Therapy

You are the person you have been waiting for! 

Individual therapy is for you if: 

  • You desire to access and cultivate your true self 
  • You want to unlearn conditioning from family of origin, culture and other people’s opinions 
  • You wish to heal trauma and attachment wounding 
  • You crave to increase your capacity for resilience, heal extreme feeling states of depression and anxiety 
  • You want to discover your wisdom and change your world
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Couples Therapy

Welcome to a brand new way of being in a relationship.

Couples therapy is for you if: 

  • Your partnership feels unskilled in resolving differences and conflicts 
  • There is little or no intimacy in your relationship
  • The romance and sex are missing 
  • Your partnership is facing an infidelity or betrayal of trust 
  • You have a good relationship that you wish to make more vital
Marriage Intensives

Relationship Intensive

Relationship in crisis? A relationship intensive can bring you  back together!
 A relationship intensive is for you if: 
  • You have been arguing for years or you can’t talk to one another anymore 
  • You haven’t had sex in a long time 
  • You have discovered a recent betrayal 
  • You failed at counseling before or don’t have time to devote months in therapy 
  • You have a good relationship that you wish to make more vital