Soul Wisdom
Frequently Asked Questions

What is Transformational Life Coaching?
What is SoulCollage?
SoulCollage® is a method of self-discovery through the creation and intuitive analysis of a deck of collaged cards. Using intuition and imagination, you create your own deck of collaged cards, where each card reflects a different aspect of who you are.
Once a card is created, your images will speak to reveal their gifts and wisdom through journaling, visualization and other activities. Each SoulCollage® card becomes a portal to your story and to your innate knowing. Accessing these deep parts of yourself will help you navigate your daily life and find answers for personal and existential questions. This method invites your wisdom from within, not from outside prescription, thus you are empowered to discover and reflect the wisdom of your strengths, your beauty, your complexity, your dreams and your accomplishments. SoulCollage is a lively, fun process that requires no formal artistic experience.

What is Conscious Creativity?
“Conscious Creativity” is using (or rediscovering and using) your creative energy, your dynamic, bold, audacious energy that is in all of us, as a bridge to discovering and reclaiming your authentic self.
“There is a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you through time, this expression is unique and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium.”
– Martha Graham